Invisible No More
Stop AAPI Hate is a non-profit organization dedicated to tracking and documenting Asian-American and Pacific Islander hate incidents. From their data, we uncovered a surprising truth: while attacks have continued to skyrocket, only a fraction are ever reported. It is important that the community speak up so that these incidents no longer go ignored. To encourage action, these experiences must first be seen. So we created a film for AAPI Heritage Month that highlights this lesser-known fact and empowers Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to be seen, to be heard, to take up space.

We brought these powerful statistics to life in a visually compelling way by camouflaging our AAPI actors into every scene to encourage repeat viewings. We also intentionally filmed in broad daylight and in crowded public spaces reflecting the reality that many of these incidents occur in normal, everyday settings. Additionally, our cast and crew represented a wide spectrum of AAPI backgrounds, including people of East Asian, Central, and Southeastern descent.